Thursday, May 25, 2006

Reasons To Wait For When It's Right

Does it sometimes feel like you're the only single human left on the planet (at least within your group of friends)? When dating disillusionment hits, it's time to pick yourself up and remember some of the reasons why the right relationship is worth waiting for. Ready?

1. You know what you want.

Your experience allows you to make an informed decision when it comes to most aspects of any relationship, including planning a perfect wedding. You've no doubt been to (or in) enough weddings at this point to know the mistakes to avoid — in other words, you won't be doing an e-mail survey of your friends about china patterns. You may even be confident enough to bag the wedding thing altogether and do something crazy — like elope.

2. You're older and wiser.

Having not found someone early in life, you run a lesser chance of you and your partner growing apart, or of being totally sick of each other by the time you're 40. Good news for your future marriage!

3. You haven't settled!

You deserve to get what you want, and if you have to hold out for it, then so be it. Settling for a relationship that's only so-so is selling yourself short, and it's a recipe for a failed marriage. The right guy is out there — and that relationship is worth the wait.

4. You still get to look forward to that sensational moment of finding the one.

You don't know who, you don't know when, and you don't know where. Now that's pretty exciting!

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