Friday, April 28, 2006

My Dream

My dream is to see a national organization named AWESOME (Abused Women Everywhere Speak Out Make Example). I wanted to share my vision with you all. Please pray that God will have His will be done. Here goes!


-Speak in churches about domestic violence statistics and awareness; speak about my story
-Speak to young women about self-esteem issues and abuser signs; hold workshops
-Have a local and/or national hotline for abused women with spiritually based advice available
-Have shelters run by churches and have devotions/Biblical instruction in those shelters
-Get experts to give workshops to church leaders on how to deal with abuse in their church
-Have support groups in church for abused women and single moms
-Publish a book on Christian survivors of abuse which would include poetry and art
-Have career centers for abused men and women and single parents; offer career skills, daycare services and parenting classes
-Offer no cost/low cost daycare to working single or abused parents
-Workbook for domestic violence survivors
-Donation centers for abused and single parents: offer clothing, furniture, food, Christmas gifts, baby stuff, etc.
-Free/low cost services such as oil changes, plumbing, maintenance, etc.
-Website with advice, resources and crisis info and links
-Workshops for men and women on self-esteem issues, domestic violence, God's love, etc.
-Music CD of songs of hope for the abused
-Free/low cost transportation to medical appts, work, legal appts, support groups, church, etc.
-T-shirts and wristbands (say I Am AWESOME)
-Workshops and/or book showing differences between normal and abnormal relationships
-Speak to young men on self-esteem issues (most abusers have low self-esteem); teach them right and wrong ways of communication; teach them how to be proper husbands
-Free/low cost Biblical counseling and legal representation
-Free/low cost plastic surgery for repairs of abuse
-Retreats for couples in crisis; free/low cost counseling for couples; signs to watch for that indicate their relationship is potentially abusive or already abusive
-Hotline for church leaders; advice and counseling for questions on specific situations they face; church leaders can obtain on-the-spot statistics
-Biblically based programs for domestic violence abusers that is approved by the court system
-Monthly newsletter and/or magazine with relevant info such as self-esteem builders, easy meals for single parents, relationship info, makeovers, devotions, abuse statistics and stories of survivors and victims, etc.
-TV/DVD programs that spread awareness; TV ads on statistics and how someone can help
-Free/low cost moving costs
-Rallys and marches
-National Abuse Awareness and Remembrance Day of Prayer
-Localized brochures accessible to pastors and congregations with resource addresses and phone numbers of community and spiritual resources for abuse aid
-Work to develop trust and respect among ministers and secular community workers

****I have no idea where to begin and I ask God to guide me. Christians need to ban together on this because we could change the future.****

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