Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Alphabet Of Essentials For Humans

Acceptance - God accepts us where we are... to take us to where He wants us to be. Today your life is enough just the way it is, and it is yours.

Beauty - You are as your Creator God made you. He is satisfied with you; you should be too. You are beautiful.

Courage - I always thought it took true courage to suffer. Now I see that being alive is a special kind of bravery.

Dreams - If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep! (Yiddish proverb)

Experience - Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. You don't learn to hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking and getting well hammered yourself.

Feelings - When you ignore and suppress your feelings, they come out in frightening, sometimes destructive ways. Learn to know them-whatever they are.

Gratitude - Give thanks to God for the good that is in your life. Give thanks for being you.

Healing - When you are ready, you will have the opportunity to make those journeys to old hurts with the knowledge that God can heal them... and then you can move on.

Intimacy - Just a tender sense of your own inner process that holds something of your connection with the divine. In-to-me-see...It won't hurt to try it.

Joy - Jesus, Others, Yourself (in that order).

Kindness - To let your heart fill with kindness is better than any combination of vitamins and exercise you could ever come up with.

Love - Love is life's anesthesia. Loving the people you know allows you to know the people you love. Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

Morality - Value yourself; take care of yourself. You will be an example that others will envy or follow. Having self-respect will help you not allow yourself to be manipulated by anyone.

Niceness - Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with being nice... they win every time.

Optimism - It is all about atitude. If you have a positive atitude, you'll get more out of life.

Perseverance - No one drowns if they persevere and pray to God-and can swim.

Quietness- Don't talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off hte flow. Proverbs 10:19 (NLT)

Responsibility - The choices you make about what you do with your time are your choices even when they don't appear to be.

Salvation - Accept that Jesus died on the cross for your sins... that His blood makes you clean. Repent and be saved.

Trust - Believe in your heart that who you are is enough. That is the key to a more satisfying and balanced life.

Understanding - Understand that you know nothing; that God knows everything. Trusting Him brings healing and wisdom.

Value - You are important to God. If you believe this, you are of value to others as well.

Wholeness - You can't help others if you are not well yourself.

X-citement - To enjoy life, you must have a sense of adventure. Be open to all possibilities.

Youthfulness - Wonder comes with youth. Wonder is a gift of living. Living is a gift of wonder. Don't take anything for granted... it could be gone before you know it.

Zeal - Serve God with zeal and He will not abandon you to your enemies.

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