Friday, April 28, 2006

The Greatest Gift Of All

-Minister Sandra Mizell Chaney

I am reminded of the conquerors of domestic violence: the women and children who suffer in silence, the women and children who escaped, but are living in shelters, the women and children whose lives were taken. I am reminded of their struggles, because their struggles are our struggles.

I am reminded of the struggle of the people in Jerusalem in the book of Nehemiah. Their lives were turned upside down. The walls of Jerusalem were destroyed and the people were left in a vulnerable state. Their entire city was exposed and in ruins. They became easy prey for the enemy and were trampled upon and abused. You ask, “What does this have to do with the women and children who are or have been victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse?”

So many women and children have been without God’s gifts for far too long. They sit barren, alone, in the darkness. Their walls of trust, love, peace and joy have been destroyed and they feel as if they’ve been left in ruins. They too are in a vulnerable state. Much like Nehemiah, we weep and mourn for the families who suffer violence in silence. They have become easy prey for the enemy and have been trampled upon and abused as well. The walls of their homes and spirits have been torn down. You see like us, Nehemiah knew the people of Jerusalem were living in deplorable conditions. His heart was with the people and he wanted to advocate for them. He wanted to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He wanted to give them the greatest gift of all—God’s unconditional love.

We as advocates and educators want to help rebuild the walls of the torn and broken spirits of the women and children we fight for everyday. Let us remember the families whose walls have been torn down, whose spirits have been broken. Let us remember to offer the greatest gift of all—God’s unconditional love. For where would we be if it had not been for God on our side? Where would we be, if it had not been for the Nehemiah’s of the world on our side?

For God loved us so much that God sent Jesus to walk with us.
He is the greatest gift of all.

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