Friday, April 14, 2006


Have you ever given much thought to what
a blessing really is and how it works? Although there are numerous
definitions, most of them fringed with religious connotation, a
blessing is basically an expression of good. It is a way of
conferring happiness and prosperity upon another, a sign of
unconditional approval, and a conduit between souls.

A blessing acknowledges good that is inherent in our world.
Burdens, pain, suffering and lack flee from a blessing the way
darkness flees from light. It is impossible to bless someone else
without being blessed in return because when our minds are focused
on offering good to another, there is no room for thoughts of our
own troubles and woes. And in that moment when our thoughts are
removed from that which bothers us, it loses its power over us.

A blessing is the most divine expression of unconditional love we
are capable of expressing. The soul connection between ourselves
and those we bless demonstrates our relationship with a Higher
Power and allows us to recognize evidence of the Divine in others.
By embracing the true essence of a blessing, we keep love
circulating. We become One with those we bless.

That is what a blessing is.

Have you blessed anyone today? And have you counted the blessings
in your life?

If not, why not take a moment to do so now? It will make you feel

May you be blessed with all things good.

****I bless my sister Rhoda today.****

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