Monday, June 19, 2006

Wisdom Of the Jews

The Jewish people have always had a way with colorful cursing. Instead of vetilating their feelings by smiting with a fist or attacking with a weapon, Jews from time immemorial have displayed their wrath with artistic curses. Here are some we can learn from them:

-"May God call the tune, and may your enemies play the music."

-"May you lose your faith and marry a pious woman."

-"May your wife eat crackers in bed, and may you roll in the crumbs."

-"May all your teeth fall out except one, which should remain with a toothache."

-"May you grow like an onion, with your head in the ground and your feet in the air."

-"May you have a good long sleep, and may your dreams be only of your troubles."

-"May you be the proof that man can endure anything."

-"Go hang yourself on a sugar vine, and may you so achieve sweet death."

-"May you inherit a fortune, but be too ill to enjoy it."

-"May you lose all your money and be compelled to go from house to house to borrow or beg food for the day; and may you eventually come to my house, and I shouldn't have enough to give you either."

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