Sunday, June 25, 2006

Signs Of An Abuser

1. Jealous.

2. Blames others (including you) for his faults.

3. Blames circumstances for his problems.
("If only I had a job, I wouldn't be so upset").

4. His behaviour is unpredictable.

5. He belittles you verbally.

6. He cannot control his anger.

7. He always asks for a second chance.

8. He says he'll change, that he won't do it again.

9. His family resolves problems with violence.

10. He plays on your guilt. (If you loved me, you'd...")

11. His behaviour often worsens when he uses alcohol or drugs.

12. He is close-minded. His way is the only way.

13. He isolates you from family/friends by saying no one else would love you...or by saying no other man would want you.

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