Monday, September 18, 2006

The Snake

-By Lewis K.

The Snake is the one whose legs were taken away and was forced to craw on his belly. He really has low self esteem but it comes out in ways of manipulation and control. Because he cannot really control anyone with love and honesty, he must win your attention and attract you with things like the rattler on a rattle snake saying "Here I am."

There are warnings of what is to come if one is not naive to the warnings but if one is naive and they get close then the snake must raise to striking position like the Cobra with its beautiful cape because you are a threat to them. Everything is a threat to one condemned to crawl on their belly. Once the snake gets you close, you are in trouble. Because they cannot see well, they only look for movement or heat. If it moves too quick he will strike.

Many women who marry the snake get struck for no reason what so ever. That is because the snake feels threaten by your ability to live and move and he must kill it so he will feel safe. Once the snake gets you close, he must crush you or fill your with his poison. Either way you will not be doing much living with the suffocating love of a snake.

They seem to always take but never give because they have very little to give. They use their tongues to test all of life; to smell, to sense, even to see. If you find you are being manipulated by someone in a dating relationship, open your eyes... you may be dating the snake. They use their tongue to control from the beginning. It just gets worse as it goes, if you believe the first lies, they will feed you more.

The only antidote for their poison is derived from their own poison, recognizing the lies and choose the truth. Once you have taken an antidote, the only safe thing to do with the snake is RUN, and keep distance between you and it!

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