Thursday, January 26, 2006

Individual Rights In Intimate Relationships

You have the right to:

-Have an equal say with your partner in all decisions and responsibilities related to your relationship, children, home and finances.

-Grow and explore your potential without feeling guilty, selfish or afraid.

-Have friendships with both women and men outside of your relationship with your partner.

-Express your opinions and have them given the same respect and consideration as those of your partner.

-Have and express sexual needs and desires without feeling like you are selfish, demanding or agressive.

-Have your emotional, physical and intellectual needs to be as important as the needs of your partner.

-Expect your partner to give at least 50% to resolve difficulties in your relationship.

-Hold your partner responsible for his behavior rather than assuming that responsibility yourself.

-NEVER be physically attacked or psychologically degraded by your partner and the right to terminate the relationship if either occurs.

***Expect significant behavioral changes rather than apologies and promises from your partner if a single abusive or battering incident occurs.

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