Monday, September 04, 2006

Looking For Love

-By Jenny

I feel extreme pity on those still looking for love in all the wrong
places. So desperate to be loved they look everywhere except in
the face of the One who loves them with a love so pure, so strong,
so true, so faithful.

They wonder if anyone cares, and all the while there is a God who
continually thinks on them.

Psalm 139 says:

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.

Here is a beautiful song I have been enjoying on the 'in love-ness'
God has with us, and therefore us with Him:

ALWAYS ON HIS MIND by Misty Edwards

Lord, I will seek You
On my bed, think upon You
In the day, I'll dream of You

You're always on my mind

With my whole heart I'll love You
With my mind and my strength too
Waste my life searching for You

You're always on my mind

Though I'm poor and needy, the Lord thinks upon me
Though His name is Holy,

I'm always on His mind -
I'm always on His mind

Though I'm weak and lowly,
the Lord dreams about me
Though He's high and lofty,

I'm always on His mind -
I'm always on His mind

I'm in love with God
God's in love with me (This is who I am and this is who I'll be)
Hey - Yeah (repeat)

How far will You let me go?
How abandoned will You let me be? (repeat)

Live loved!!!

Love, Jenny


All the glory and beauty of Christ are manifested within, and there
He delights to dwell; His visits there are frequent, His
condescension amazing, His conversation sweet, His comforts
refreshing; and the peace that He brings passeth all understanding.
- Thomas a Kempis

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on
society. -- Mark Twain

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