Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Fly Lady Speaks

Dear Dear Friends,

As SHEs we have struggled with many problems that are the result of
our SHEness. We forget to pay a bill, we leave the clothes in the
washer and they sour, we burn things up in the oven, we are
habitually late, we beat ourselves up because we lost a library book,
we miss an appointment and countless other ways we torture ourselves

I want you to look at what happens to this self inflected pain.

GUILT is a silent killer of body, mind and spirit.

1. Have you ever noticed that you are sick with colds more than most
people you know?

2. Do you have muscle and joint problems?

3. Does your head hurt?

4. Are you nervous and uneasy and don't know why?

5. Do you cry easily?

6. Do you have lapses in memory?

7. Do you feel that you are being pulled apart limb by limb?

8. Does your heart jump when the phone rings?

9. Do you yell at the children or your spouse for no reason.

10. Do you yearn for a new life?

11. Are you over weight?

When we feel stress for what ever reason our bodies produce chemicals
to protect us. These chemicals are there to help us deal with the
problem at hand, but they were not meant to be in our systems on a
continual basis. When we are constantly under stress and guilt, those
chemicals eat away at our immune systems.

In order to de-stress our lives we need to find those areas that are
laying a guilt trips on us and remove it. What do you have eating at
you? Too much credit card debt. A friendship that has ended over an
argument. A secret you are keeping from your spouse.

What ever is causing you discomfort, it is time to deal with it? It
can be big or it can be tiny. But left alone it will fester and become
a huge ugly abscess. Isn't that the way your homes looked? Think
about when the clutter and chaos started to overtake your lives and
homes. Was it about the time that you began hiding from this problem.

I am not telling you to run out and ask for forgiveness from someone
you have wronged. That will come in it's own time. I just want you to
think about that deep dark secret that has been eating away at you.
We all have them. I want you to forgive yourself and start to heal.
Until you do this your success is going to be limited. Your house may
be clean, but your heart is still dirty. We have to clean everything.
If you do not go through this process, your home will become that
nasty sore again.

Take a few moments to think about the things that lay that guilt trip
on you. Be totally alone, and write it down. Do not keep this! Then
take it outside or put it in a fireplace and set it on fire. Fire is
so cleansing. Do it even though it is symbolic. Feel that stress go up
with that smoke. Say a prayer asking for the forgiveness you desire
from God and then forgive yourself. Purge those negative thoughts and
get on with life. Tomorrow will be brighter when you release this
burden. Let the sun shine through your troubled clouds.

When I did this 11 years ago, my life changed. I took all of those
things that gave me guilt, stress, and bad feelings and burned them in
a wood stove. After that process, I began to feel happier, healthier
and more in tune with my spirit. There was nothing blocking the
sunlight of my soul.

I love all of you and I want for you what I have found. Peace


If you need to write things down and purge them from your head and
heart put them in a email to me and I will help you get rid of them.
FlyLady@flylady. net with FIRE in the subject line.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool! We all make mistakes. Forgive yourself
and get on with the act of living each day and not beating yourself up
over spilled milk.


Anonymous said...

Hope you respond. I am still living in pass experience. OLD habits die hard. VERBAL AND OTHERWISE...feel I was programmed at a young age. Can you help?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thank you for sharing your story. Even though I am no longer in an abusive relationship, the pain and hurt is never far from the surface. I saw so much of myself in you story, I started crying - I just want the pain to stop and it always so near the surface. Thank you!